Sunday, October 2, 2011


Last week, a group of students left our school cook a note that read "Your food sucks...".  Yesterday, our school entered a float in the town's homecoming parade.  I rode on the float with about 20 - 30 students.  During the parade the students fought with each other and people on other floats. Although, I know I teach in a christian school it is hard for me to remember that no matter where we are; we always have a choose.  I wrote this following blog in the bank line and shared it during morning devotional with my class.  After I read it we had a great discussion about CHOOSE.

I will choose to follow Romans 12:2.  I may live in this world that God created but I will not participate and engage in the sin that the devil tempts us with.  I know that God is in control.  It isn't easy being a christian but I choose to follow Him as my Savior.  I do not want to be like the world; I want to be like Jesus.  I want to choose to find the right words to say and actions to show.  I want to choose to find the right thing to do.  I want to look at the world through Jesus' eyes and not my own.  (Student name), I am proud of you for not wanting to look at ghost and goblins because honestly we should all be that way.  We should want to avoid the devil and his ways at all cost.  Things that are meant to scare us are not from the Lord.  Today, I challenge you not to hear these words but to take them to heart.  I challenge you to strain the curses of this world from God's blessings.  My prayer is that you will choose to not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth.  Just because we go to a christian school doesn't mean we are different than anyone else in the way that we still have to choose to be different when we want a relationship, not a religion but a relationship with God.

We are blessed here in America.  We are given so many things but honestly sometimes those things cause us to be ungrateful and lose sight of what God wants us to do with our blessings.  Everyday there are people around you that love you and want you to not only succeed by learning a lot and doing well when you are an adult but most importantly want you to follow a life that that honors your Creator and follows the Truth.  We can talk about God's way here at school, you can hear it at church and at home but again it comes back to a CHOSE.  Will you follow what the world or God? Every minute? Every second?  Will you choose to be different?  When you have a thought like it's fun to scare someone or bully them; are you making a choose to follow God or the world?  Which one do you want to follow?  Every single day, every single moment, you have to make a decision.  The devil is trying to make you fail and lead you down the wrong dark path.  BUT you have God to choose and He will help you stay on His lighted right path. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Don't Lose Sight of the Big Picture

While searching for a christian perspective on infertility this morning, I came across an article bluntly titled "How Should a Christian Deal with Infertility?"  As I read this short article, I felt like God was sharing with me that He isn't punishing me and He has a divine plan.  I am so thankful for the many women and couples who openly share their stories for others to read but more importantly to use as a gift to draw closer to God.  I am so thankful for the things that God has given me and I am so thankful for the things that are yet to come.  Lord, please help me never lose sight of your plan and path for my life.  Help me to always allow you to be in control.  Lord, let me let go of it all and let you have complete control.

The following is a portion of the article that I read this morning...

"The barrenness of Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel (the mothers of the Israelite nation) is significant in that their ability to finally bear children was a sign of the grace and favor of God. However, infertile couples must not assume that God is withholding His grace and favor, nor should they assume they are being punished in some way. Christian couples must cling to the knowledge that their sins are forgiven in Christ and that the inability to have children is not a punishment from God.

So what is an infertile Christian couple to do? It is good to seek advice from gynecologists and other fertility specialists. Both men and women should live a healthy lifestyle to prepare for pregnancy. The mothers of the Israelite nation prayed fervently for conception, so continuing to pray for a child is certainly not out of line. Primarily, though, we are to pray for God's will for our lives. If His will is for us to have a natural child, we will. If His will is that we adopt, foster-parent, or go childless, then that is what we should accept and commit to gladly doing. We know that God has a divine plan for each of His loved ones. God is the author of life. He allows conception and withholds conception. God is sovereign and possesses all wisdom and knowledge (see Romans 11:33-36). “Every good and perfect gift is from above...” (James 1:17). Knowing and accepting these truths will go a long way to filling the ache in the hearts of an infertile couple."   (Source: