Friday, September 30, 2011

Stop....and read this!!

I wrote the following on July 25, 2007

Stop....and read this!!

Life is very routine at times, the simple saying "Stop and smell the roses is overlooked." Or how about "Stop and help a friend in need" and more importantly "Stop and share the Word of God."

Most of us can pin point too many situations where we try to hide the fact we believe in God.  Instead of talking about the one who created everything, we spread lies, and follow the temptations satan has laid before each and every one of us.  I could write and fill pages upon pages of the times I haven't acknowledged I'm a believer and didn't have the courage to trust Jesus Christ when times got hard.

But one day, my faults and sins will be laid out for the world to see as Jesus Christ looks into His Book of Life to see if my name is in there.  And what can be more embarrassing and more horrifying (no words can explain) the pain, I would feel if He, the Almighty One, looked away from the book and I was not accepted. 

Is the night, I spent drinking and spreading rumors about others really worth it? 

The times, the Holy Spirit nudged me to invite someone to church but I changed the subject or walked away? 

How come it's easier to invite a friend over to watch a movie rather than go to church?

Or the moments back in high school, I was two-faced when it came to school and church?

How about the times, my Bible was sitting in plain view and I tucked it under a few papers not wanting to get into a discussion about His Word with guests? 

How come it's easier for us to talk about the temptations and lies in this world than to pull out His Word and learn and understand more?

Just like I indicated above, I could go on and on just like anyone of us, but I don't feel that this is the place or the time to dwell on the negative things in our pasts. 

Jesus Christ was willing to give His life so my sins could be forgiven.  He gave His life so that your sins could be forgiven.

Think about those news stories we hear about someone getting arrested for doing something they didn't do.  They spend years in jail and they were innocent.  Isn't that just like Jesus' story except His life was painfully taken away by a few jealous people who cared more about popularity than about being saved from our Deliverer?

Even though Jesus was God, He was also man therefore the physical pain inflicted upon Him by His enemies caused Him to suffer terribly. 

Our sins, past, present, and future were laid upon His body. 

Jesus took the suffering willingly, He knew that He was the One to deliver us from our sins.  As He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He told His Father, "Lord, let your will be done not my own." 

Most of us know the end of this story, after Jesus suffered humiliations, physical torment, and forced to wear a crown of thorns they nailed His feet and hands to cross.

This story makes many of us feel compassion and great sadness. 

But what about Jesus?

He suffered for you and for me – for the things we've done.

He suffered verbal and physical abuse, but He didn't complain.

He did it for me – for my sins.

He did it for you – for your sins.

He did it so that one day, when He comes back (and He will) those who truly believe in God's Word (not just some of it but all of it) and those who follow His ways will be accepted, their sins washed away, and their name will be found in His Book of Life. 

Think about it.  Many of us today do not realize that is we ignore God's Word and refuse to trust in Jesus as our Savior sent from God, satan is leading our life.
As believers we can't just stand back and watch the world crumble into satan's hand.  As believers we need to consistently be sharing God's Word with others and helping them see His perfect plan and lead them away from the darkness and into the light.  As believers, God needs to be #1 in our lives. 

It may sound a little weird, but we need to eat, sleep, and breathe Jesus Christ.  (1Corinthians 10:31)  Our words, action, and thoughts need to exemplify the fact that as a believer Jesus will help us out of rough patches and in the end everything will be worth it as we stand face to face in front of Him and He holds His arms wide open acceptingly.  What better reward than be surrounded by the Saviors' arms and love on that last day.

A fear I have, is that I'm very weak and that temptations are more enticing at times than following the Word of God but I know "through Christ who strengthens me I can do all things." Philippians 4:13 

I didn't log onto myspace today and anticipate writing this blog.  I was simply reading a book review from a friend and her blog made me not only want to read When Christ Comes by Max Lucado but also think about a few things.  I want to end this blog with one thought…

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him will not die but live forever with Him."

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